Episode 68 - Stoicism unpacked finding balance amid chaos

Explore the timeless wisdom of Stoicism, not as a call for emotionless existence, but as a transformative philosophy for achieving balance, cultivating resilience, and tending your own garden of inner peace. Mel unravels how Stoic principles can guide us in a world teeming with uncontrollables, teaching us to focus on what truly matters—our actions, choices, and the virtues we live by.

Stoicism is often misunderstood as a mere suppression of emotion. Mel traces its roots from ancient Greece to Roman adoption, highlighting its focus on living in harmony with reason and nature. Through vivid discussions on the Stoic exercises of control and the reflections of philosophers like Seneca and Marcus Aurelius, she uncovers the Stoic teachings on resilience, virtue, and the art of focusing on what’s within our control while letting go of what isn’t. But be ready to put this information into practice: use the activities she walks you through as an introduction to using Stoic wisdom to enhance daily life, promoting a balance that leverages ancient insights to address modern challenges.

Key Questions this Episode Answers: 

  • How can Stoic philosophy help modern individuals manage their emotions and expectations?
  • What are the core principles of Stoicism and how do they promote a balanced life?
  • How does focusing on elements within our control improve our mental health and well-being?
  • What is negative visualization and how can it cultivate resilience and gratitude?
  • In what ways can practicing the ‘view from above’ provide us with a broader perspective on our personal challenges?

“The dichotomy of control is a key Stoic principle: We can control what we focus on and accept what we don’t control.”  ~ Mel Trumble


Hey, if you’ve been struggling, go ahead and book a call with me today! Let’s kick that inner critic to the curb together…

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