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Getting Organized in a way That Suits You!

Hey there, amazing miracle!Are you tired of feeling like your life is out of control? Do you longfor the day when you can finally get your shiitake together andfeel on top of things? Well, fear not, my schedule warrior! Gettingorganized doesn’t have to be a drudgery. It can actually be quiteuplevel and ~dare I say~ enjoyable if you approach it in a waythat suits YOU.

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From Burnout to Boundaries

You’ve burnt the candle at both ends to get a lot done in a short time.

When that happens on the reg and is layered in with work or caregiving stress, that sneaky Burnout could wrap you in its coils. Burnout is an actual medical sitch.

When you are exhausted emotionally, physically, and mentally due to relentless stress, especially at work (and that includes home, for many of us caregivers), that is due to burnout.

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Individual Origins of Chaos

People and events happen that jack you up and you’re left broken. Stewing about what happened, venting ceaselessly about it, pointing out how you were wronged…yeah none of that helps mend the brokenness.

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Taking Responsibility

People and events happen that jack you up and you’re left broken. Stewing about what happened, venting ceaselessly about it, pointing out how you were wronged…yeah none of that helps mend the brokenness.

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Why the Trauma Drama, Lovey?

Let’s define trauma as when an event/person has wrecked you emotionally, physically, spiritually, or mentally. Trauma can fricking decimate an individual’s life and relationships. People (such as, I dunno…me from childhood to 2017) who have experienced trauma (such as abuse, neglect, loss, etc.) may have their guard up so high they ride the struggle bus trying to trust anyone. Inability to regulate emotions may be the star of their show, and/or it could be establishing healthy boundaries. As a result of all this chicanery, they struggle to form and maintain stable and nourishing relationships.

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2022 Review: Let’s Recount the Shenanigans!

My plan to take time and develop my program while working 9-5. The day after receiving a $4k bonus, I got canned. Sitting there listening to the partner talking, my confusion cocooned me like a sound barrier. As I observed my reaction, I felt a lightness of relief rising up in me. Once my boss finished talking, the other partner asked me if I had anything to say. Awash in bewildered gratitude, I said, “Thank you?”

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Mental Health. Bruh.

I have goals and a fab plan to help oh-so-many people avoid crappollini that kicked me in the teeth through the years. To show loveys that resilience is a learnable skill. That if we can consider a brighter path, we can drag that sucker into reality.

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When it gets too People-y

As you know, I am Mel Trumble, creator of ZFG Living, where you can learn how to utilize your resources (the F in ZFG) in a way to serve yourself so you can better share your strengths. Your time, money, energy, care, concern, your brilliance, all of you are your currency. Just as an airplane’s oxygen mask goes on yourself before you help others with theirs, ya gotta recognize your value and use your precious fucks for YOURself, YOUR goals.

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Hey hey!

I want to share my perspective (decades of adulting) so as to save yourself some pain. The f*ckery & shenanigans that I perpetrated in my twenties (and let’s face it, in my 30s and 40s) resulted in some colossally poor decision making. And at the time, I either thought what I was doing was a usual course of action or actually a good idea.

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How I arrived at my bad decisions

Writing a book about my own foolish choices and my perspective on those experiences is an interesting experience for me. I now have several decades of maturity and perspective to see my younger self’s obstacles and struggles. Let me help you dodge needless difficulties and hardships by sharing how I arrived at my bad decisions. My hope is for you to have a much easier time adulting.

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