episodes 1 - Welcome to zfg living!

Airdate: 2/1/23

What if you could live with more joy?
What if you could learn to recognize the behaviors and beliefs you have that don’t serve you?
And then change them?

In this first episode, I share some of my own personal history, which led me to create the ZFG podcast, and how that past can work for you! Consider this a mini-coaching session that can help you understand why you may be feeling stuck – and how you can move forward.

I reveal my proven method of working through shitake that you can get started with TODAY, which will close the gap between “now you” and “future you”. Then book a gratis call with me to see if, together, we can help you get rid of YOUR obstacles.
There are tools and processes you can use to bring more joy into your life – and I would be thrilled to help you use them to rock your life!

Reach out and connect with me:

On Instagram: @zfgliving
On Facebook: /ZFGLivingLLC
Free download: 5 Steps to Joy
Free download: The “Adulting-for-Your-Future-Badass-Self Guide”
Grab your copy of “The Big Book of Bad Ideas” (on Amazon)