Our Blog

From Burnout to Boundaries

You’ve burnt the candle at both ends to get a lot done in a short time.

When that happens on the reg and is layered in with work or caregiving stress, that sneaky Burnout could wrap you in its coils. Burnout is an actual medical sitch.

When you are exhausted emotionally, physically, and mentally due to relentless stress, especially at work (and that includes home, for many of us caregivers), that is due to burnout.

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Individual Origins of Chaos

People and events happen that jack you up and you’re left broken. Stewing about what happened, venting ceaselessly about it, pointing out how you were wronged…yeah none of that helps mend the brokenness.

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Taking Responsibility

People and events happen that jack you up and you’re left broken. Stewing about what happened, venting ceaselessly about it, pointing out how you were wronged…yeah none of that helps mend the brokenness.

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